Oleksandr Vasianovych
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Deputy Director for Research, State Scientific Center for Protection of Cultural Heritage from Technological Disasters, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Middle Polissya of Ukraine, folk knowledge, folk beliefs, folk meteorology, weather signs, magical actions, mapping.
The article presents the experience in cartography of folk meteorological knowledge and beliefs of the inhabitants of Middle Polissya (a total of 81 settlements in Rivne, Zhytomyr, and Kyiv regions). When compiling the maps, they were marked with meteorological terms, signs of weather forecasting and harvest forecasting, magical actions associated with the impact on the weather during drought, thunderstorms, hail and excessive frosts. It is noticed that meteorological signs, though represented on the territory of Middle Polissya in nonuniform way, do not allow to single out separate local complexes. According to a number of meteorological beliefs and ideas, there are three local complexes: northern, southern and western. Within each specified local complex, it is possible to allocate separate variants.
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