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In developing the publication ethics, the editors of the collection took into account the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and experience of other scientific organizations and editorial offices.

The activities of the editorial board of а journal are aimed at: to ensure the quality of the submitted materials, which are subject to further publication; to comply with the established mechanisms for reviewing articles; to timely inform the author of the manuscript about the results and provide a reasoned description of the expert evaluation of the materials.

Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the editorial board of the journal or by external independent experts, taking into account the principles of objectivity and the highest international academic quality standards.

The ideas and suggestions presented in the materials may not coincide with the opinion of the editorial board. The authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of the titles, statistics, surnames and citations contained in the article.

The editors reserve the right to minor literary editing of texts and abbreviations, while preserving the author's style.

Materials considered accepted for publication are not returned and cannot be published in other journals.

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