Ihor Shykhnenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Junior Researcher, State Scientific Center for Protection of Cultural Heritage from Technological Disasters, Kyiv, Ukraine.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0304-4928
E-mail: zdvig2008@ukr.net
military everyday life, survival experience, living space, Ivankiv, collective mutual aid, occupation, Polissia region, Russian-Ukrainian war, self-organization of the population, Chornobyl exclusion zone.
In the article, the author highlights the personal experience of survival during the Russian occupation (from February 24 to March 31, 2022) in the native village of Ivankiv, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region, in particular, about changes in everyday life, relations with neighbors, etc. It is noted that in these difficult conditions, fellow villagers had to build common spaces of existence among themselves. This was reflected in the arrangement of shelters, which provided the basic needs of life and mutual support. Another living space was the yard and the street, where food was prepared and food was exchanged, property was protected from marauders, domestic animals were cared for. All this, according to the author, contributed to the emergence of a sense of unity and indomitability in people.
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