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Kateryna Nahaiko

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher of the Taras Shevchenko Testament Museum, National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine.




biography, Kyiv Community, «Kyiv Antiquity», publications, T. G. Shevchenko.


The article analyzes the intelligence and materials of members of the Kyiv Community published in the magazine «Kyiv Antiquity», relating to the biography of T. G. Shevchenko. These are the works of community members V. M. Domanytskyi, O. F. Lazarevsky, O. I. Lashkevycha, F. G. Lebedyntseva, O. A. Levytskyi, M. I. Storozhenko, as well as Ukrainophiles who formed a close circle of the above society: L. M. Matsievich and N. V. Molchanovsky. Biographical space of T. G. Shevchenko is outlined in publications about certain periods of his life and work: childhood, studies at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, participation in the Archaeological Expedition of 1843–1845, exile in 1847–1857, stay in Ukraine in 1859.


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