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Olena Kolybenko

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Assistant Professor, Senior Researcher of the Scientific and Research Department of Local History, National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine.




war refugees, newspaper «Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny», external migration, Pereiaslav region, modern russo-Ukrainian War.


There have been attempts to analyze emigration processes from the Pereiaslav Region after the start of the full-scale russo-Ukrainian War in the article, based on the publications of the regional newspaper «Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny». Against the background of the spatial aspect: the geography of the routes of immigrants; the way through the territory of European countries; the names of the cities and towns chosen as the final destination, the reasons for leaving, the circumstances that adjusted the migrants' route to the border, the problems faced by Ukrainians at the places of resettlement, assistance to refugees, opportunities that open up in a new place are considered.


Za danymy informahentstv. (2022, June 2). Komisariat OON u spravakh bizhentsiv: za try misyatsi viyny z Ukrayiny vyyikhalo 16 vidsotkiv naselennya [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: 16 percent of the population left Ukraine during the three months of the war]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (16 (12278), 8 [in Ukrainian].

Kolomiyets', O. (2022a, June 2). Pereyaslavka u Pol'shchi nadaye psykholohichnu dopomohu ukrayins'kym zhinkam-bizhenkam [A resident of Pereiaslav in Poland provides psychological assistance to Ukrainian refugee women]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (16 (12278), 8 [in Ukrainian].

Kolomiyets', O. (2022b, September 29). Poyikhala na vesillya u Latviyu i zalyshylasya [She went to a wedding in Latvia and stayed]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (33 (12295), 8 [in Ukrainian].

Kolomiyets', O. (2022c, June 9). Ukrayinka v Pol'shchi pidpysala trudovyy dohovir, ne prochytavshy. Teper ne mozhe povernutysya [A Ukrainian woman in Poland signed an employment contract without reading it. Can't go back now]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (17 (12279), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Kolomiyets', O. (2022d, June 30). U frantsuz'kykh shkolakh ditey do doshky ne vyklykayut' i domashnikh zavdan' mayzhe ne zadayut' [In French schools, children are not called to the blackboard and almost no homework is given]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (20 (12282), 8 [in Ukrainian].

Kolomiyets', O. (2022e, May 19). Yuliya Nikiforova: «Z Nimechchyny ya pratsyuyu dystantsiyno na svoyu firmu v Ukrayini» [Yuliya Nikiforova: «From Germany, I work remotely for my company in Ukraine»]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (14 (12276), 7 [in Ukrainian].

Levchenko, L. (2023, June 16). Anna Hrinenko khodyt' u hosti z tortamy til'ky vlasnoho pryhotuvannya [Anna Hrinenko visits with cakes only made by herself]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (23 (123280), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Levchenko, L. (2024, February 2). V Irlandiyi ukrayintsi mayut' usi prava, ale sutuzhno z zhytlom i robotoyu [In Ireland, Ukrainians have all the rights, but they struggle with housing and work]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (5 (12411), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2022a, May 26). «Bizhenstvo v Pol'shchi – tse ne vidpochynok «vse vklyucheno» [«Refugee in Poland is not an all-inclusive holiday»]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (15 (12277), 7 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2022b, September 15). Vizazhystka Iryna Batyuk pratsyuvala na anhliys'komu vesilli ta zhyla v rodyni viys'kovykh lohistiv [Makeup artist Iryna Batiuk worked at an English wedding and lived in a family of military logisticians]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (31 (12293), 8 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2022c, August 11). Pereyaslavka v Daniyi pratsyuye v pekarni: tam mistsevi za kavoyu obhovoryuyut' viynu v Ukrayini [A resident of Pereiaslav works in a bakery in Denmark: there the locals discuss the war in Ukraine over coffee]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (26 (12288), 7 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2022d, July 14). «Chomu vy taki khudi y krasyvi?» Yak u Velykiy Brytaniyi pryynyaly pereselenok iz Pereyaslava [«Why are you so thin and beautiful?» How a resettled woman from Pereiaslav was accepted in Great Britain]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (22 (12284), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2022e, June 16). Shkola, vyplaty i robota: yak u Niderlandakh pidtrymuyut' ukrayintsiv. Dosvid pereyaslavky [School, payments and work: how Ukrainians are supported in the Netherlands. The experience of a resident of Pereiaslav]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (18 (12280), 7 [in Ukrainian].

Madison, I. (2023, January 12). Diana Marchenko evakuyuvalasya do Brytaniyi i tam peremohla u mizhnarodnomu konkursi [Diana Marchenko evacuated to Britain and won an international competition there]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (02 (12309), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Nabok, V. (2022a, July 28). Moldavany shchyro spivchuvayut' ukrayintsyam, ale vvazhayut' nas natsionalistamy [Moldovans sincerely sympathize with Ukrainians, but consider us nationalists]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (24 (12286), 10 [in Ukrainian].

Nabok, V. (2022b, July 7). Yak pereyaslavtsi evakuyuvalysya u Frantsiyu z nemovlyam: istoriya pro dopomohu inozemtsiv [How residents of Pereiaslav evacuated to France with a baby: a story about the help of foreigners]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (21 (12283), 6 [in Ukrainian].

Samoylova, T. (2022, May 12). Evakuatsiya. «Moye nove zhyttya u Frantsiyi: pidtrymuyu tut ukrayintsiv i sumuyu za Kyyevom» [Evacuation. «My new life in France: I support Ukrainians here and miss Kyiv»]. Visnyk Pereyaslavshchyny – Herald of Pereiaslav region, (13 (12275), 7 [in Ukrainian].


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