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Vira Frys 

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Assistant Professor, Researcher, Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery, Lviv, Ukraine.




date, accommodation, spatial localiztion, handwritten codex, sacred space.


The article presents one of the methods of mapping the presence of centers of book rewriting and their distribution based on marginal notes on Cyrillic handwritten codices copied on Ukrainian territory. Such records often mention the settlements where they were created or stored, or there are indications of religious locations where those books were copied. This makes it possible to reliably record the most active centers of the books copying on our territory. For a researcher of an ancient book, an important factor is the determination of the place of rewriting of the book as an important information about the specifics of the development of a particular region and the determination of its influence on book production, which makes it possible to date and localize defective copies of preserved manuscripts.

By marking the mentioned points on the map, a model that reflects the frequency of rewritten preserved codes in a certain area was created. This made it possible to compare books created in the same area and determine their similarity in design, paleography and the general approach to the organization of the book, in contrast to books transcribed in more distant lands. As a result, the main book-writing regions of Ukraine were determined. The following regions with common features in the paleography of writing, design and attitude to the creation of codices include Volyn land, Kyiv region and central lands, Galicia and later Hetman region.


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