OF MOLDOVA IN 1953–1990
Ruslan Shevchenko
Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. habil), Leading Researcher of the Moldovan State University, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Keywords: linguistics, politics, power, pressure, Russian language, Russification.
Almost the entire Stalinist period (1940–1941, 1944–1951) in Moldova was dominated by the left-bank version of the Moldavian language. The works of the classics of Romanian and Moldavian literature were banned, and attempts were made to impose the idea that the Moldavian language belonged to the Slavic group of languages. After 1951, there is a rather controversial liberalization on this issue. Since 1959, the authorities have again made attempts to strengthen the position of the Russian language at the expense of Moldavian and to impose the concept of «bilingualism». After 1972, the authorities took a course to improve the study and teaching of the Russian language in all educational institutions of the republic. At the same time, the Moldovan language was completely ignored. Only since 1987 have attempts been made to «equalize» it in rights with Russian, but until the adoption of the Laws on Languages (August 31 and September 1, 1989) this did not happen.
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