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Тарас Нагайко

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Head of the Scientific and Research Department of Local History, National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine



Keywords: Pereyaslav region, Pereyaslav, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district, territorial community, reform, decentralization, administrative changes.


The article traces the dynamics of administrative and territorial changes in the Kyiv region, in particular within the former Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district, which occurred as a result of the decentralization policy in the period 2017–2021. Based on the analysis of documents of state authorities and local press materials, the course of changes that took place in the region. Information on the history of the formation of united territorial communities in Pereyaslav region, information on the development of their composition, etc. The circumstances of the liquidation process of Pereyaslav-Khmelnytskyi district are highlighted.


  1. informatsiino-dovidkovyi portal OMS Ukrainy [ is an information and reference portal of the Local Government of Ukraine]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022).

  2. Batrak, V. (2021). Vasyl Vovchanivskyi: «Liudy khochut shvydkykh rezultativ. Uspikh zalezhyt vid solidarnoi spivpratsi vsikh, khto zhyve i pratsiuie v hromadi» [Vasyl Vovchanivskyi: «People want quick results. Success depends on the solidarity of everyone who lives and works in the community»]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 10. 12. 2021, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  3. Batrak, V. (2019). Hromady Pereiaslavshchyny: rozshyriuietsia Studenykivska ta stvoriuietsia Haishynska [Communities of Pereyaslavshchyna: Studenikyvska is expanding and Gaishynska is being created]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 18. 10. 2019. 5 [in Ukrainian].

  4. Batrak, V. (2020). Kabmin zatverdyv sklad ob’iednanykh hromad Pereiaslavshchyny. Yikh bude p’iat. [The Cabinet of Ministers approved the composition of the united communities of Pereyaslavshchyna. There will be five of them]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 29. 05. 2020, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  5. Batrak, V. (2021). Oleksandr Sliusar: «My pershymy stvoryly hromadu i prahnemo staty naikrashchymy» [Oleksandr Slyusar: «We were the first to create the community and we strive to become the best»]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 24. 09. 2021, 9 [in Ukrainian].

  6. Batrak, V. (2021). U Pereiaslavsku misku hromadu sela pryishly z hroshyma i mainom [Villagers came to the Pereyaslavsk urban community with money and property]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 12. 02. 2021, 6 [in Ukrainian].

  7. Batrak, V., Shkrebtiienko, V. (2020). «Zalyshytysia bez raionu – tse moralna i statusna vtrata, udar po istorychnii znachymosti Pereiaslavshchyny» [«To be left without a district is a moral and status loss, a blow to the historical significance of Pereyaslavshchyna»]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 31. 07. 2020, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  8. Bilous, L. (2020). U Tashanskoi hromady velyki plany. Deiaki vzhe vtileno [The Tashan community has big plans. Some have already been implemented]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 17. 04. 2020, 8 [in Ukrainian].

  9. Verkhovna Rada proholosuvala: Pereiaslav ne bude raionnym tsentrom [The Verkhovna Rada voted: Pereyaslav will not be the district center]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 24. 07. 2020, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  10. Informatsiinyi portal «Pohliad» [Information portal «Pozhad»]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  11. Madison, I. (2021). U Tashani vidhulialy den narodzhennia hromady [The community's birthday was celebrated in Tashan]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 27. 08. 2021, 8 [in Ukrainian].

  12. Miliutin, L. (2020). Adminbudivlia rairady ta inshe maino raionu pereidut u vlasnist mista [The administrative building of the district council and other property of the district will become the property of the city]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny. 25. 09. 2020, 6 [in Ukrainian].

  13. Miliutin, L. (2020). Vyvchaly spromozhnosti Pereiaslavskoi hromady [They studied the capabilities of the Pereyaslav community]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny. 18. 09. 2020, 7 [in Ukrainian].

  14. Miliutin, L. (2019). Miska rada vidteper – «Pereiaslavska» i bez «Kyivskoi oblasti» [From now on, the city council is «Pereyaslavska» and without Kyiv region]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 22. 11. 2019, 5 [in Ukrainian].

  15. Miliutin, L. (2019). Odyn iz maibutnikh raioniv Kyivshchyny maie buty z tsentrom u Pereiaslavi [One of the future districts of Kyiv region should be centered in Pereyaslav]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 11. 10. 2019, 5 [in Ukrainian].

  16. Na Kyivshchyni p’iatokh raioniv dostatno? [Are five districts enough in Kyiv region?] Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 26. 07. 2019, 4 [in Ukrainian].

  17. Ofitsiinyi sait Pereiaslavskoi miskoi terytorialnoi hromady [Official site of the Pereyaslav urban territorial community]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  18. Pereiaslav vkliuchyly do Boryspilskoho raionu nezakonno? [Was Pereyaslav included in the Boryspil district illegally?] Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 25. 09. 2020, 2 [in Ukrainian].

  19. Pereiaslavskyi raion zalyshaietsia na novii karti oblasti [Pereyaslav district remains on the new map of the region]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 12. 06. 2020, 2 [in Ukrainian].

  20. Sait Boryspilskoi raionnoi derzhavnoi administratsii Kyivskoi oblasti. Ofitsiinyi veb-portal [The site of the Boryspil district state administration of the Kyiv region. Official web portal]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  21. Sait Divychkivskoi terytorialnoi hromady Kyivskoi oblasti [The site of the Divichki territorial community of the Kyiv region]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  22. Sait Studenykivskoi terytorialnoi hromady Kyivskoi oblasti [Site of the Studeniky territorial community of the Kyiv region]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  23. Sait Tashanskoi terytorialnoi hromady Kyivskoi oblasti [The website of the Tashan territorial community of the Kyiv region]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022) [in Ukrainian].

  24. Sait Tsyblivskoi hromady Kyivskoi oblasti [Site of the Cybliv community of the Kyiv region]. URL: (data zvernennia: 24. 10. 2022)
    [in Ukrainian].

  25. U Verkhovnomu Sudi pozovy Pereiaslava ta Irpenia pro zminy raionuvannia vidkhyleno [In the Supreme Court, the lawsuits of Pereyaslav and Irpen about changes in zoning were rejected]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 21. 08. 2020, 2 [in Ukrainian].

  26. U Divychkivskii OTH try starosty y desiat chleniv vykonkomu, odynadtsiate mistse vakantne [There are three elders and ten members of the executive committee in Divichkivska OTG, the eleventh place is vacant]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 27. 11. 2020, 6 [in Ukrainian].

  27. U Tsyblivskii OTH na posady pryishly dosvidcheni fakhivtsi [Experienced specialists took up positions in Tsyblivska OTG]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 27. 11. 2020, 6 [in Ukrainian].

  28. Usyk, V. (2020). «Domovliaiemosia, ale hotovi protestuvaty». Pereiaslav vidstoiuie pravo buty raionnym tsentrom [«We agree, but we are ready to protest». Pereyaslav defends the right to be the district center]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 10. 07. 2020, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  29. Usyk, V. (2020). Pereiaslavu ne vystachylo odnoho holosu, shchob staty raionnym tsentrom [One vote was not enough for Pereyaslav to become the district center]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 17. 07. 2020, 2 [in Ukrainian].

  30. Cherez visim misiatsiv pislia likvidatsii raionu zvilnyly holovu RDA [Eight months after the liquidation of the district, the head of the RDA was dismissed]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 2. 04. 2021, 3 [in Ukrainian].

  31. Shkrebtiienko, V. (2021). Mezhi Pereiaslava rozshyriat za rakhunok sil [The borders of Pereyaslav will be expanded at the expense of villages]. Visnyk Pereiaslavshchyny, 6. 08. 2021, 3 [in Ukrainian].



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