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Taras Nahaiko

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Head of the Scientific and Research Department of Local History, National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine



Keywords: Pereiaslav region, administrative and political development, historical atlases, cartographic materials, historical development of the region.


The article considers the nature of the reflection of the administrative and political boundaries of Pereiaslav region in modern scientific and popular science historical atlases – the analysis of cartographic materials contained in them is presented. In particular, the peculiarities of marking the territory of the region on the relevant maps are noted, the names of administrative formations and settlements are given. The review of each edition is carried out on a chronological basis. Emphasis is placed on the prospects of further systematic study of temporal and spatial aspects of the development of the studied region in the 10–21 centuries. The problem of development of historical regions in the political-administrative context is actualized.


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