Telman Masliukou
Master of Historical Sciences, Archaeologist, Monastery of St. Elisha of Lauryšava, village of Hniesičy, Lauryšava, Belarus.
Keywords: Laŭryšava Monastery, аrchaeological localization, 13th century, Vojshalk, Elisha of Lauryšava.
One of the issues of the early history of the Láŭryšava Monastery is the localization of its original location. The article on the basis of written sources, historical and cartographic data and taking into account the geographical features of the area examines the spatial factors that indicate in favour of the fact that the Friery since its founding in the 13th c. located in the same place where it is localized documented from the beginning 17th c. and where there is the archeological site of the 12th–19th centuries – on the right bank of the river Valoŭka in the village of Laŭryšava (Ščórsy Village Council, Navahrúdak District, Hrodna Region, Belarus).
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