Vyacheslav Lokha
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Head of The Educational and Scientific Center of Genealogical Research and Historical Regionalism, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Pereiaslav, Ukraine.
Keywords: Cossacks of Pereiaslav regiment, «Polish heritage», Crimean march, Pereyaslavs, Tatars.
The article, based on archival sources and research by foreign and Ukrainian historians, examines the military campaigns of the Pereіaslav Cossacks, 1733–1737. In particular, participation in the war for the «Polish heritage» and the Crimean campaigns.
The peculiarities of the movement of the Cossacks of the Pereіaslav Regiment in Ukraine, within the Crimean Peninsula and on the territory of Poland are determined. In the Polish and Crimean campaigns, the Pereіaslav Cossacks, along with other Cossack teams, were used in reconnaissance, courier and convoy service, raids, marches, and in defense (positions and camps) as infantry riflemen, artillerymen, and simple «knights» who skillfully wielded a saber. and methods of hand-to-hand combat. Traditionally, the regular troops were greatly assisted by the Cossack cavalry, which acted mobile in the offensive, and the assault detachments, which captured the Polish and Crimean fortress cities.
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