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Vitalii Korzhyk

Candidate of Geography Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher, Senior Researcher of the National Natural Park «Khotynsky», Khotyn, Ukraine



Keywords: aerial reconnaissance, beligerative complexes and objects, remote method, historical militaristic


Belligerative forms and objects of all times are very important for historical militaristic and the reconstruction of the landscape situation at certain stages of interaction between society and nature. They clearly record the real location of the positions of the opposing forces, eliminating the possibility of historical hoaxes and false conclusions. The most typical belligerative objects include defensive ramparts and trenches, which in certain compositions form military structures of various shapes and purposes. Most of them are destroyed over time and visually disappear from the field of view of researchers. Therefore, their search should be carried out using the methods of landscape visualization adopted for the remote study of the modern natural and anthropogenic environment, using aerial images from the available capabilities of Google Earth.

The nature of the lineaments formed by vegetation during the growing season and the leafless season on forest lands, contact zones between woody, shrubby, herbaceous vegetation and arable land are analyzed. On deforested lands, an important diagnostic feature is the color lithological differences of rocks in former trench fills. Traces of large-caliber projectile explosions and deep trenches are quite clearly identifiable, which eloquently testifies to the clear localization and intensity of hostilities. Remote visualization allows you to speed up their search. Additional confirmation is found in the identified areas of material remains of military actions: shell casings, fragments of equipment and other things with the use of metal detectors

In Bukovina, which has been repeatedly torn by the events of numerous wars and military conflicts, belligerative complexes and objects are valuable for the reconstruction of military situations. Their various scenarios are reproduced in the following illustrations. In the further functioning of society, knowledge about them to a certain extent makes it possible to protect against the negative consequences of unremoved explosive devices


Zapolovskyi, V. M. (2003). Bukovyna v ostanniy viyni Avstro-Ugyrshchyny 1014-1918 [Bukovyna in the last war of Austria-Hungary]. Chernivtsi: Zoloti litavry [in Ukrainian].

Коrzhyk, V. P. (2009). Beligeratyvni geokompleksy Bukovyny yak svidky istoryko-geographichnogo protsesu  [Beligerative geocomplexes of Bukovyna as witnesses of the historical and geographical process]. Naukovy visnyk Chernivets’kogo universitetu – Scientific bulletin of Chernivtsi university, 480–481, 189–193 [in Ukrainian].

Коrzhyk, V. P. (2011). Lisy znyshcheni viynoyu [Forests that destroyed by war]. Naukovi zapysky Bukovyns’kogo tovarystva pryrododoslidnykiv – Proceedings of Bukovynian Society of Nature researchers, 1 (1–2), 127­–133 [in Ukrainian].

Коrzhyk, V. P. (2018). Shliahamy viys’kovych podiy. Bukovyna, XIV–XVIII stolittia [Through military events. Bukovyna, 14th–18th centuries]. Naukovy zhurnal z problem arheologii ta davnyoi istorii «Arheologiya i davnia istoriya Ukrainy» – Scientific journal on problems of archeology and ancient history «Archaeology and ancient history of Ukraine», 1 (26), 259–267 [in Ukrainian].

Коrzhyk, V. P. (2018а). Beligeratyvni kompleksy na tereni natsionalnogo pryrodnogo parku «Khotyns’kiy» [Beligerative complexes on the territory of the national nature park «Khotynskyi»] in I. I. Chorney, I. V. Skils’kyi, A. Yu. Yuzik (red). Regionalny aspecty florystychnyh і faunistychnyh doslidzhen – Regional aspects of floristic and faunal research, 123–125 (in Ukrainian).

Коrzhyk, V. P. (2021). Beligeratyvni pam’iatky mynulogo Hotyns’koyi vysochyny: landshaftnyi anturazh yavyshcha [Beligerative monuments of the Khotyn height in past: landscape entourage of the phenomenon]. Prostir v istorychnyh doslidzhenniah – Space in Historical Research, 2, 29–34 [in Ukrainian].

Naidetalnishyi hlobus u sviti [The most detailed globe in the world]. Google Earth.
[in Ukrainian].



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