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Anton Korzh

Postgraduate Student of the Early Iron Age Archaeology Department, Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Romny, Ukraine



Keywords: Basivka hill-fort, the Sula River region, 3D model, topographic survey, plan of the monument, Scythian time.


The article covers the history of mapping of the largest fortified settlement monument of the Scythian time in the Sula River region – Basivka hill-fort, which is certainly the central one in the region. The results of topographic survey of all predecessors who studied the settlement are analyzed, their features and shortcomings are determined. The value and prospects of early XX c. plans for field research are shown. A variant of the 3D model made with the help of the ZBrush program on the basis of the latest, most modern plan is given. The factors influencing the results of topographic survey of the monument are indicated.


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