Oleksandr Kolybenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director General for Scientific and Methodological Work of the National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine
Olena Kolybenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department for History and Culture of Ukraine, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Pereiaslav, Ukraine
Keywords: Volodymyr Monomakh, Pereiaslavl of Rus’, prince, time, space, military campaigns, route, distance.
The article deals with the temporal and spatial aspects of the life and activities of the most famous Pereiaslav prince Volodymyr Monomakh. Not authors or editors of chronicles or historiographical tradition made the prince unique, it was made due to the fact that highlights of his biography was extremely well written in the sources particularly created by himself. In these sources contained details cannot be invented or falsified, they get opportunity our contemporaries to give a clear assessment of all the deeds and concessions of this prince, including determining the main temporal and spatial parameters of his life, the quantitative characteristics of his deeds. It is difficult to make an objective prosopographic portrait of any of the figures of that rather distant epoch without these data.
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Колыбенко А. В., Прядко А. О. Как «поганы» стали своими (к проблеме христианизации переяславских торков), [w:] Dobre i złe sąsiedztwa. Obce – nasze – inne, t. 2: Sąsiedzi w historiografii, edukacji i kulturze, red. Teresa Maresz, Katarzyna Grysińska-Jarmuła. Bydgoszcz, 2018. S. 176–188.
Літопис Руський за Іпатським списком / авт. перекл., передм. та прим. Л. Є. Махновець. К., 1989. С. 458.