Oleksandr Horbovyi
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher of the Museum of Forestry History Research Branch «Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of the Middle Nadnipryashina», National Historical and Ethnographic Reserve «Pereiaslav», Pereiaslav, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5608-8310
E-mail: o.horbovyi@ukr.net
Keywords: Pereiaslav region, Kaniv reservoir, village, Tsybli, tourism, culture, museum.
The article summarizes and rethinks the experience of spatial transformation the village of Tsybli in the Pereiaslav region in the past and present, outlines the prospects for its development in the cultural space of Ukraine. The work is based on the principle of historicism, used historical-comparative, illustrative methods. It is determined that in ancient Russ time in the outlined area there was a settlement nest with a fortified center, and from the twentieth century experimental demonstration village with widely integrated urban elements. At the same time, not far away, on the outskirts of Pereiaslav, a traditional village of the XIX century has been preserved in the form of the first open-air museum in Ukraine. Together, these locations form a unique tourist route, which in the case of its organization and promotion will allow visitors to quickly and thoroughly get acquainted with the various forms of rural settlements.
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