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Volodymyr Hnera

Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine



Keywords: aerial photography, quadcopter, photogrammetry, photoplan, monument, scientific and rescue.


The article is devoted to the use of aerial photography, using a quadcopter, in modern archaeological research. The main practical aspects of aerial photography are presented and the analysis of the functional possibilities of using a quadcopter for photogrammetric shooting is carried out. There are examples of the use of aerial photography on archeological sites in cities, which have become illustrative material for further distance research. In combination with traditional archaeological research, aerial photography has shown effective results and filled the archaeological research with new content.


  1. Hnera, V. A. (2017). Arkheolohichna aerofotoziomka za dopomohoiu kvadrokopteriv DJI Phantom (porivnialnyi analiz) [Archaeological aerial photography using quadcopters DJI Phantom (comparative analysis)]. Pytannia istorii nauky i tekhniky – Questions of the history of science and technology. 52–60 [in Ukrainian].

  2. Hnera, V. A. (2015). Monitorynh zakonservovanykh fundamentiv Desiatynnoi tserkvy za dopomohoiu aerofotoziomky [Monitoring of the preserved foundations of the Tithe Church with the help of aerial photography]. Opus Mixtum 3 – Opus Mixtum 3. 247–255 [in Ukrainian].

  3. Hnera, V. A. (2016). Muzeiefikatsiia pam’iatok arkheolohii u miskomu seredovyshchi [Museification of archeological monuments in the urban environment]. Opus Mixtum 4 – Opus Mixtum 4. 208–217 [in Ukrainian].

  4. Ivakin, H. Yu., Baranov, V. I., Bibikov, D. V., Zotsenko, I. V., Ivakin, V. H., Kryzhanovskyi, et al. (2018). Naukovo-riativni doslidzhennia Arkhitekturno–arkheolohichnoi ekspedytsii IA NANU u 2014–2016 rr. [Scientific and rescue research of the Architectural and Archaeological Expedition of the IA NASU in 2014–2016.]. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2016 – Archaeological research in Ukraine 2016. 54–55 [in Ukrainian].

  5. Ivakin, V. H., Bibikov, D. V., Olenych, A. M., Pereverziev, S. V. (2018). Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia na terytorii m. Vyshhorod [Archaeological research on the territory of Vyshhorod]. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2017 – Archaeological research in Ukraine 2017. 84–86 [in Ukrainian].

  6. Ivakin, V. H., Zotsenko, I. V, Osadchyi, R. M,
    Sorokun, A. A, Pereverziev, S. V. (2020). Rozvidky Arkhitekturno-arkheolohichnoi ekspedytsii IA NANU na Kyivshchyni [Explorations of the Architectural and Archaeological Expedition of the IA NASU in Kyiv Region]. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2018 – Archaeological research in Ukraine 2018. 90–92 [in Ukrainian].

  7. Manihda, O. V., & Hnera, V. A. (2019). Perevahy vykorystannia heoinformatsiinykh tekhnolohii pry fiksatsii arkheolohichnykh ob’iektiv [Advantages of using geoinformation technologies in fixing archeological objects]. Zhurnal «Arkheolohiia i davnia istoriia Ukrainy» – Journal «Archeology and Ancient History of Ukraine». 218–231 [in Ukrainian].

  8. Petrauskas, A. V., & Kvitnytskyi, M. V. (2015). Vyvchennia ta rekonstruktsiia fundamentu davnoruskoho khramu na Zamkovii Hori m. Bila Tserkva [Study and reconstruction of the foundation of the ancient Russian church on the Castle Hill in Bila Tserkva]. Arkheolohichni doslidzhennia v Ukraini 2014 – Archaeological research in Ukraine 2014. 95–100 [in Ukrainian].

  9. Bogacki, M. (2016). Z lotu ptaka Zdjęcia z balonu i latawca jako metoda dokumentacji archeologicznej [Bird's eye view Balloon and kite photos as a method of archaeological documentation]. Warszawa. Polska: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

  10. Gnera, V. A. (2015). Advantage of using quadrocopters, for aero photo ancient of Old Rus towns. Gardarika. Vol. (5). 133–144.




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