Angelina Govadikova
PhD Student of Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modelling, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Keywords: Franciscan map Galicia and Bukovina, geographical appellation, oronyms, oikonyms, hydronyms.
The article considers peculiarities toponymical load the military topographic map Galicia and Bukovina, which was created as a result the Second Topographic Survey in the Austrian Empire. The maps this film went down in history as Franciscan. The completeness of the reflection the map of settlements, hydrography, and orography is highlighted. The total number names of geographical objects signed on the map and their transcription are compared with maps later editions: Austrian topographic map scale 1:75000, Polish tactical topographic map scale 1: 100000, Soviet topographic maps scale 1:10000 and 1: 25000. Modern OpenStreetMap. Regularities in differences in the number and transcription of oinonyms, oronyms, hydronyms are revealed. Typical errors in the use names are analyzed.
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