Artem Borysov
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2322-2277
E-mail: artem_borysov@iananu.org.ua
Keywords: communication network, Gabriel graph, settlement system, archaeology, ancient settlements, Middle Ages, Ross river region (Porossya).
The paper reviews the methods of reconstruction of the ancient communication network used in the archeology of Southern Rus`. The main parameters of individual reconstruction projects are briefly described. The history of studying the location of roads in old rus`ian Porossya given. The essence and sequence of the road network modeling process in the region are described. The application of the Gabriel graph is described. The theoretical basis of the analysis of the settlement system on the basis of the reconstructed network of roads is described.
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