Artem Borysov
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2322-2277
E-mail: artem_borysov@iananu.org.ua
Volodymyr Mysak
Laboratory Assistant of the Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5032-3762
E-mail: volodymyr_mysak@iananu.org.ua
Keywords: archaeological map, history of archaeological research, concentration of archaeological sites, levels of archaeological research, degree of archaeological research, spatial statistics, archaeological potential, QGIS.
The article is devoted to the concept of «levels of archaeological research» (LAR) first proposed by A. P. Tomashevskyi in connection with the research of the «Project of comprehensive study and preservation of the historical-archaeological and paleo-natural heritage of the Ovrutsky Range and the medieval Ovrutsky Volost». An attempt was made to further develop and conceptualize this concept. The connection between the procedures of archival and bibliographic research, field documentation of archaeological monuments and the creation of an archaeological map is demonstrated. The relationship between the process of researching the history of the archaeological study of the region and the assessment of the degree of archaeological research of the territory is indicated. The use of spatial statistics for LAR expression is described. The technical aspects of the implementation of the identification of «places of potential settlement» with regard to the horizontal and vertical distance to water sources are disclosed. The article emphasizes the importance of LAR for the deployment of scientific research and monitoring works.
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