Yuriy Pysarenko
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy named after H. S. Skovoroda of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Keywords: Austrian–Russian border, Zbigla, Zbruch idol, Zbruch, Tymon Zaborovski, Sokolyha
The article continues the cycle of the author's works devoted to the criticism of the conclusion of O. Komar and N. Khamayko regarding the production of the Zbruch idol in the first quarter of the 19th century by order of the Polish poet-romantic, landowner of the village of Lychkivtsi, Tymon Zaborowski.Only one of the aspects was considered – the space of discovery of the Zbruch monument, which in itself proves the impossibility of its transfer to Zbruch, and therefore its manufacture in a new time. The fact that the hypothetical sinking of the idol by the poet had to take place on the state border, on the territory of neighboring properties, with unnecessary difficulties of transportation, as well as the public nature of all procedures, – contradicts reality. The author supports the opinion that the ancient idol, which has signs of incompleteness, did not have time to serve its purpose, and was hidden in Zbruch by priests on the eve of сhristianization, at the end of the 10th century
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